Monday, November 29, 2010

Prayer Photo Album

I just received a Christmas Card address list from a message board I am a part of. As I thought of sending out pictures of my family and receiving pictures of others, I wondered what I would do with the pictures this year. Most years they go up on the fridge and sometimes they fall and end up under the fridge. Sometimes they get shoved on top of the fridge. I love to look at them and think of the people who sent them to me but I have never taken a "next step" with them.

So this year I thought of a next step...I am going to make a prayer album. I will put the pictures sent to me in a special album and commit to praying for these families while looking at their picture at least once a week for the next year. I think it will be a neat way to remember to pray for them and for Carly to get to help by seeing the families we are praying for.

So I challenge you this year to do the same, esp if you get a picture of my family! Take the time to pray for blessing on others this season and this coming year. Let's see what blessings God will pour down!

If you want to receive or send a picture/Christmas card to/from me please email me at comment on this post!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Super Sunday...Super Dad, My Hubby

This post wont be long. I just want to say that I love my husband dearly and am so thankful for him. He is the best daddy! I love to see him with our daughters. A lot of dads don't do diapers, read to their children or put them to bed. A lot of dads don't take the time to learn how to put their daughters hair in a pony tail. My girls are fortunate enough that their daddy does all those things. I love to hear him sing to Carly at bed time. And even more...I love to hear her say, "Daddy" "what" "I love you!". It is just the most precious thing! He truly is a Super Dad!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Super Monday...Super Cool Way to Cut Up Grapes

So how many of you feed your young children grapes? If you are like me you love to feed them something good for them but hate the time it takes to cut up each individual grape. Be honest, it's a pain in the tucus. ( I have no idea if I spelled that right?) Carly loves them but I don't give them to her as often as she would like because of that.

Well that is in the past now. While watching 30 Minute Meals a few days ago, I saw the answer to this problem. She showed a way to cut several grapes at once. I have tried it a few times and it works!! You can also use this method to cup cherry tomatoes (which Carly also loves). So I just knew I wanted to share it with all of you in case you didn't see it yourself.

So go into the kitchen and get 2 deli lids (any small lids from bowls will work), some grapes and a knife that is at least as long as the lids are wide.

Step one: Lay lids side by side.
Step two: Put grapes on top of one lid turned upside down. Fill it up.
Step three: Place other lide on top.
Step four: Slide knife between two lids while pressing down.
Step five: Enjoy fresh grapes easily cut in half.
Go ahead and try it! it's too cool.

Hope this is exciting for you. I just love it!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Beholder of Beauty: Beauty is Free Stuff

The Beholder of Beauty: Beauty is Free Stuff: "What?! I went to bed with 9 followers and woke up with 11! You know what that means... Giveaway time!! Nothing fancy. Just some cute stuff I..."


Zach has been talking to a church in Arizona. You got that right...ARIZONA. As in, a 32 HOUR drive from here!!!!! Now you're asking...How do you feel about that? I am scared, excited, sad, happy and on and on. My emotions are all over the map. That is so far away from everything I have ever known. We were looking at pictures today and it hit me that there are no TREES!!! I grew up in trees and there are none like I am used to there. Wow!

You may be wondering, how do you really feel. I want to make something clear. Before Zach and I got married I knew he wanted to go into ministry. It was not a surprise to me. I felt called to do it with him. We are partners! When you decide to go into ministry, you quickly find out that there are NO guarentees except that God goes with you. You have to lay down your life and pick up the cross. That means that you go where ever God leads you. Do I want to move all the way across the US? NO. But I do want to go where God wants to send us! So I submit to my God and my husband's wisdom. Because, where ever I am God is there with me!

I will keep you updated on whether we are going there or not. Only God knows at this time. My pray is that HIS WILL BE DONE!!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Super Sunday...Super Cool Colic Remedy

Today I am going to sing the praises of the thing that has made my life much better the last couple of weeks. Ginger essential oil from doTERRA!!!!! If you know me at all, you know that with the birth of my newest little girl, life became very, very hard. She cried and ate and cried and ate. She didn't sleep much at all. Her cries were clearly cries of pain with no medication helping.

Mommy and daddy were super tired b/c she really wouldn't sleep much at all. She would sleep for 30 to 45 min and wake up to eat. Then she would do it again. She would cry for 2 to 3 hours straight sometimes with no relief. I would feed her, walk her, rock her, sing to her, massage her, cry over her, pray for her, bathe her, swaddle her, and on and on. I was trying everything anyone suggested and none of it was working.

Then we looked up what essential oils were supposed to help with colic. Low and behold...GINGER. Now I know you may be wondering how we got to looking up essential oils. My mother in law's best friend is a naturalist doctor who got her into the oils. Then my mother in law got me into them while I was pregnant. Pepper mint oil is AWESOME for cooling you down!!!! I got the best sleep after applying it at night. (Don't use peppermint while nursing, it can dry up your milk.) So back to the ginger. I put ginger (mixed with coconut oil since a baby's skin is sensitive) on Alyssa's tummy and toes. She slept for 5 hours got up ate, went right back to sleep, and slept for another 3 hours!!!!!!! the next day she smiled for the first time. She has been sleeping like a champ ever since. And trust me, I won't go far without my ginger oil.

I'm telling you it WORKS!!!!! I love the oils and love to talk about them. So if you want to know about anything, "I"ve got an oil for that!"

Super Busy Mom

So sorry I haven't been keeping up. It seems like every single time I go to blog, one of my children decides they need me. Take this morning for example. I was signing into my blogger dashboard and my youngest decided to start crying. So now she is fed and I will try to blog.

We have been going to the cabin that my in laws own a lot the last two weeks. It gives us a few days to feel like we have our own home. It's quite nice. The only problem is there is no internet connection. We try to use the cell to get internet but it doesn't work very good.

Halloween was great! We went to Clemson downtown trick or treat. It wasn't as good this year as it fell on Fall Break and an away game day. Then the next night we went to a huge trunk or treat. It was fun b/c my bestie was there but it's just not the same as when I was growing up. I miss going house to house and hoping they give me a huge candy bar. My neighbors used to decorate their house and one time I thought they had a dummy on their rocking chair. I walked up to the door to ring the doorbell and found out it was my neighbor in costume. He reached out to me and I took off to the car. It was fun. Usually we take Carly to at least a few houses but this year we didn't b/c by the time we were done at the trunk or treat we were hungry and we went to eat. By the time we were finished with that, it was too late to go to anyones house.

I am looking towards Thanksgiving and Christmas now. How can you not look towards Christmas with the commercials and stores forcing it on you. Next weekend we are scheduled to go to Oburg for our first Thanksgiving get together. It will be the first time I have seen all my brothers and sisters in law and nephews and neice together since last Christmas. I am looking forward to it!

That's all for now. Tomorrow will be a SUPER day so check back in!