Monday, February 28, 2011

Weight Watchers

So I started weight watchers about 3 weeks ago. I have lost over 5 lbs so far.Weight Watchers is easy to do but still takes effort. Some days I am so lazy and don't put in the effort I need to!

I want to lose weight for not only me but also my children. There's nothing to tell you that you're comletely out of shape like going to the playground with your 3.5 year old! She wants me to run and jump and climb with her and I am about to die trying to keep up with her!

I love both my girls and desire to have a long life (God willing) with them. Being overweight will not help me with a long life. And the life I have may be racked with illnesses related to being overweight. That is not what I desire.

Not only for those reasons but also my body is a temple, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20). If I am not taking care of my body, I am not honoring God.

So, I want to get in shape and to a healthy weight. NOT a stick thin unreal looking person. I don't think that would be honoring God either. I just want to be healthy!

A few weeks ago I bought a WW cookbook. It is the Weight Watchers" PointsPlus Just 5 cookbook. It has 125 recipes with just 5 items. Starting tomorrow, I will be making a meal from the recipes in the book. I have to start tomorrow b/c I need to go grocery shopping today. ;)

I will cook the recipes, eat them and then blog about what they tasted like. I will also try to get my child to eat them and see how that goes. My husband will pick and choose what he will try and I'll post what he thinks to. So come back and see what's cooking and how tastes.

There are a few of these cookbooks on Amazon and eBay, however the price is high on those sites. If you dont attend a weight watchers meeting and would like a cookbook, let me know and I could purchase one for you and ship it to you. I will have to check and see how much that would cost.

Happy Cooking and Happy Weight Loss to Me!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Super Sunday: I've missed a lot.

So blogging has taken a huge backseat recently. I am sorry to anyone who checks in regularly. I don't have but 8 followers so I don't think too many people have missed me. I am going to try to be more dilligent and make this a better blog.

Carly is doing pretty well. She has gone through an adjustment period and has acted out a bit. Today she is not feeling 100% and is running a fever. She has two friends here who she call best friends, Ansley and Drew. However, if you ask her who her best friend is she will still usually say Sarah Bradley and say she misses her. She has moments when she gets so upset that she bursts out in tears and starts saying she misses MeMe, PawPaw, Nana, Pop, Sarah Bradley, Uncle Daniel... It hurts my heart but she likes it here too.

Alyssa is a much happier baby now. As I write this she is rolling around beside me and "talking" to me. She loves to grab her toes and smiles all the time. she is starting to giggle more. She is a super chunk and I love it!

Zach and I are doing good. It is taking a bit of an adjustment to get used to things here. It's also hard to get used to having him at work all the time after having him home all the time for 6 months. We are having fun getting to know new people and new ways of life. We have a lot to learn about Texas. One of the first things we learned was about driving the Texas way. I still mess up all the time and don't realize that someone wants to pass me but I will learn.
God is blessing us and our decision to follow Him. This has been a huge move and I am still very homesick but I think we have found a place where people truly LOVE GOD! That makes it worth it all!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Biscuit Recipe?

I have a problem. I love to bake/cook! (that's not the problem) Today, I had a lot of buttermilk left over. I bought more than I needed for soaking my chicken (for frying). I decided I wanted to make some yummy buttermilk biscuits to go with the chicken. I found a recipe online and followed it to a T. What came out were not the fluffy soft biscuits I wanted. They were hard biscuits on the outside, YUCK! I threw them out.

Next I went to my Taste Of Home cookbook. I found a recipe there and thought surely it would be a great one. It is much better than the first ones but it still isn't what I really wanted.

You know the ones I want. The HUGE, fluffy, melt in your mouth ones.

So I charge you my friends...send me some recipes to try! I will be going through my cookbook collection and trying them all until I find what I am looking for.

Awesome Giveaway

Frugal Mom is doing an awesome giveaway and I hope I win! The link is
Go try for yourself.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Goal Updates

I set my goals for 2011 back a few posts ago and I wanted to do a small update on how I am doing so far! Remember change doesn't happen overnight and it takes 28 days to start (or stop) a habit.

1. Lose 75 lbs. So far I have lost around 5. I am starting to work out more and I started Weight Watchers 2 week ago! On the road to healthy!!!!

2. Friends- I have made some new friends here in Texas and am really enjoying getting to know them and hang out with them. God is good! I am keeping in touch with my friends in SC but not as much as I would like. I have only skyped with my bestie once. :'( We need to rectify that goal and try to start doing better!

3. I have started doing a Bible study but have not been as good as I wanted to be. I have now started a blog with my Bible study to help keep me accountable to doing it. check it out here: . I have not been sharing my faith as much as I want to. I have shared with at least one a month if you count the student ministry but I would like to reach outside of that to others too. I need to talk to my daughters more about God and faith than I have!

4. Paying our payments on time but haven't started saving money yet.

5. Trying to communicate better, supporting his ministry but have not found just us time. Time to work on that one.

6. Working on that one! Needs lots more work!!!

That's where I stand as of now! I will update again in a few weeks. Hopefully I will be doing even better in all of them!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day: It's easy now!

I truly enjoy Valentine's Day. My love languages are gift giving and service so they go hand in hand with holidays so there aren't many I don't love.

Right now, I feel like Valentine's Day is pretty easy for me. I have to get valentines for my hubby and our two sweet girls. We usually try to get Carly some little Valentines to hand out to her friends too. The easy party is, neither of my girls are in school right now.

One day both my girls with be in school and on Valentine's Day they will have school parties. Now I've told you before I have these visions of grandeur of being a super mom. In my mind, I want to be the mom who bakes the cupcakes for the party and decorates them all super special. I want to make Valentine's Cards with my girls that will be super special to give out and not just the customary box of them that I buy right now. I want to go into the classroom and have the kids say, "look theirs Carly's/Alyssa's mom! she makes the best snacks!"

Please understand, this is not about me wanting accolades for anything. I just want to be that kind of mom! I want for my girls to want me in their classrooms, at their dances, in their life! I don't want them to be like, "Oh no, mom's coming again.".

Last night I had fun. We have a Valentine's Banquet at the church. The youth group did it as a fundraiser. I got to help cook and send out food. i was in my element. I just can't wait to do stuff like that for school parties!

Anyway, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY everyone! I pray that above all, you know God's love! Because until you know how to love your creator, you can't fully love anything else!!!!!!!