Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Hand Me Down Debate

So, I was driving in my swagger wagon Tuesday and I thought about the Carly's rain boots. It was a rainy day and she loves to wear her rain boots so she can jump in the puddles. She knows she is not allowed to if wearing her regular shoes. Well, when we put her boots on (which she hadn't worn for a few months due to the dry spell) we noticed they were getting slightly tight. Not to the hurting her foot stage but to the hard to get on and off stage. So, I realized that we needed to get her a new pair. Alas, the cute little yellow ones with flowers and birds will be put away in a box awaiting the day that Alyssa will have feet big enough to wear them.

That got me thinking about Alyssa's clothes. At this time she is able to wear only a small portion of Carly's clothes b/c their seasons are off. Carly was born in May and Alyssa in August. For some reason, the thought came into my mind, "when will Alyssa hate wearing hand me downs?" You see I was the only girl in my family (I have two older brothers) so I didn't have hand me downs. At what point do they act like the girl in the Tide commercial and want their "own" clothes. For that matter, most of Carly's clothes come from consignment stores and sales. So, it's not like she actually gets all new clothes. We do buy both of them a portion of new clothes to meet needs and my mom LOVES to buy them dresses. So they do get some new clothes.

Is it okay to let Alyssa just wear her big sister’s clothes or do I need to get her clothing of her own? I guess I could sell Carly’s clothing and use that money to pay for Alyssa’s. Of course, I have my favorite outfits of Carly’s that I love to put on Alyssa. It takes me back!

So I was just wondering, what’s your opinion? At what age does Alyssa get her own clothes?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sharing a contest from a friends blog

Just wanted to share a contest. you could win a freezer cookbook and some supplies to get you started. It looks awesome! To tell you the truth I hope I WIN!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Birth Control Issues

So I am stealing this topic from another blogger and fellow PAI member... The funny thing is, she actually reposted from someoneelse's blog. I guess this topic just speaks to a lot of women. i am not going to repost her blog. I am just going to focus on my feelings and see what you think.

I have often had a hard time deciding wether, as a Christian, birth control was a necessary thing. I know that statement in itself has several of you yelling and telling me that "YES IT IS". You don't want more children now or maybe ever and you also don't want to have surgery. Well here is my question; if God is in control of everything and won't give me more than I can handle, do I need birth control. I am sure many of you have friends who have gotten pregnant while on birth control. I know a lot of people who have. Now I am a nurse so I know the medical reasons for it but I am not sure I can convince myself that I need it. If I leave it in God's hands, can't I trust that He will not give me more than I can handle?

I have always struggled with that issue and other issues like it. If I put my life in God's hands is that not enough? Will He not give me the family He wants me to have? Both my children are miracles! I was told I'd never have them without IVF. I've never had IVF and I have had 3 pregnancies.

Who are we to "control" what God wants for us? I don't know. I think we all have to figure out what God wants us to do and if He tells us to take meds...take meds, if He tells us not to...don't!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Round 2: the difference in a second child

In preparing for the birth of my now five week old daughter, I tried to remind myself that this child would be differnt. With my first, things went so smoothly after I gave birth that I know God gave me a tremendous gift. Now the road to getting pregnant with Carly was not easy, nor was my pregnancy, nor the birth itself. The one thing that I didn't prepare myself for was the time difference.

You see with my first and probably most of you can relate, I had all the time I wanted with her. I could cuddle with her with no worries as to how much time I was spending with one sibling vs the other. I could lay down and let her nap on me. Now to do that I feel guilty b/c I don't do that with my 3 year old. How do you explain to a 3 year old that it is okay for a 5 week old to nap in the bed with you when you refuse to let them sleep in the bed with you. ( Now I know some of you may ask why not just let the 3 year old in the bed with you. I have worked hard to make sure she can sleep independently after watching friends whose children couldn't. I don't plan to undo that now.) Another thing, I never had to worry that a sibling would harm Carly with "too much love". Now I have to be very vigilant that she doesn't hurt her baby sister accidently (or on purpose for that matter). The other day she squeezed Alyssa's nose and made her cry. So then I had to punish her which I hate b/c she needs so much extra love now.

There is also just the plain differences in the children themselves. C would eat and be satisfied for several hours while A has to eat at least every 2 hours. Thus Mommy is much more tired and doesn't have as much "free time". C took a paci, A doesn't. C took a bottle easily, A doesn't want them.

I told myself that they would be different and that things would be different but I was prepared for how different.

Now I want to share some pictures of my beautiful daughters, and the apple dress is the one I made.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I did it, I did it, I did it...Hooray!

Okay so if you have a daughter that is a toddler you will no doubt get that my title is play on Dora. It's funny that I used to quote Shakespeare and other noted authors, now I quote Dora and The Wonder Pets. You gotta love being a mom.

Now on to what my title is really about... I have always wanted to sew my daughter (now daughters) some clothing. I have bought material and patterns and never done a thing. I have wanted to make a pillow case dress and heard that it was super easy but again, never done a thing. Well now I can say that I made my daughter a dress!!!!! Yesterday I completed a beautiful pillowcase dress for my oldest daughter (3). And I cut out the material to make my other daughter (3 weeks) a matching one. That really makes me feel like a Super Mom! Yayyyyy!

Hungry daughter, more to come later.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Does Supermom ever get to shed her cape?

So I am just any of you moms out there ever get a break? I saw this hilarious video two days ago that about mom's. It was a spoof off of Bohemian Rhapsody. It talked all about the things moms do and how unappreciated we are by the children most of the time. Now I do have to say that my 3 year old is awesome at telling me she loves me and hugging me. I just know the day will come when I hear, "I hate you.". I don't long for it.

I just know that the work is never done here. I wake up, feed newborn, change diaper, change 3 year olds pull up, make breakfast, eat breakfast, empty dishwasher, load dishwasher, wash non-dishwasher, make up 3 year olds bed, clean her room, get her dressed, do her hair, make up my bed, clean up my room, feed newborn, get shower, get dressed, pick up stuff 3 year old has already put back on floor, do load of laundry, put away any clothes that need it, feed newborn, change newborns diaper, change newborns clothes, stop 3 year old from being overly loving to newborn, go whereever, deal with crying, whining kids, get home, feed 3 year old, feed newborn, change diaper and pullup, change out laundry, put away laundry, clean whatever needs it today, and it goes on and on and on.

I have to admit that I do have some help from my hubby but when he is working, he can't do all of that. I don't really get breaks or get to "shed my cape". Even when I leave my daughter, i still have the house and husband. When I go out of town, I still think about what I left at home (and usually come home to more laundry). It's not easy being mommy. However, as the ladies ended that spoof video, I will end my blog today.

It's so worth it!