Thursday, September 2, 2010

Does Supermom ever get to shed her cape?

So I am just any of you moms out there ever get a break? I saw this hilarious video two days ago that about mom's. It was a spoof off of Bohemian Rhapsody. It talked all about the things moms do and how unappreciated we are by the children most of the time. Now I do have to say that my 3 year old is awesome at telling me she loves me and hugging me. I just know the day will come when I hear, "I hate you.". I don't long for it.

I just know that the work is never done here. I wake up, feed newborn, change diaper, change 3 year olds pull up, make breakfast, eat breakfast, empty dishwasher, load dishwasher, wash non-dishwasher, make up 3 year olds bed, clean her room, get her dressed, do her hair, make up my bed, clean up my room, feed newborn, get shower, get dressed, pick up stuff 3 year old has already put back on floor, do load of laundry, put away any clothes that need it, feed newborn, change newborns diaper, change newborns clothes, stop 3 year old from being overly loving to newborn, go whereever, deal with crying, whining kids, get home, feed 3 year old, feed newborn, change diaper and pullup, change out laundry, put away laundry, clean whatever needs it today, and it goes on and on and on.

I have to admit that I do have some help from my hubby but when he is working, he can't do all of that. I don't really get breaks or get to "shed my cape". Even when I leave my daughter, i still have the house and husband. When I go out of town, I still think about what I left at home (and usually come home to more laundry). It's not easy being mommy. However, as the ladies ended that spoof video, I will end my blog today.

It's so worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Why are you making Carly's bed and cleaning her room. She's 3 - she should be able to do those on her own now! And it lessens the burden on you!
