Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Round 2: the difference in a second child

In preparing for the birth of my now five week old daughter, I tried to remind myself that this child would be differnt. With my first, things went so smoothly after I gave birth that I know God gave me a tremendous gift. Now the road to getting pregnant with Carly was not easy, nor was my pregnancy, nor the birth itself. The one thing that I didn't prepare myself for was the time difference.

You see with my first and probably most of you can relate, I had all the time I wanted with her. I could cuddle with her with no worries as to how much time I was spending with one sibling vs the other. I could lay down and let her nap on me. Now to do that I feel guilty b/c I don't do that with my 3 year old. How do you explain to a 3 year old that it is okay for a 5 week old to nap in the bed with you when you refuse to let them sleep in the bed with you. ( Now I know some of you may ask why not just let the 3 year old in the bed with you. I have worked hard to make sure she can sleep independently after watching friends whose children couldn't. I don't plan to undo that now.) Another thing, I never had to worry that a sibling would harm Carly with "too much love". Now I have to be very vigilant that she doesn't hurt her baby sister accidently (or on purpose for that matter). The other day she squeezed Alyssa's nose and made her cry. So then I had to punish her which I hate b/c she needs so much extra love now.

There is also just the plain differences in the children themselves. C would eat and be satisfied for several hours while A has to eat at least every 2 hours. Thus Mommy is much more tired and doesn't have as much "free time". C took a paci, A doesn't. C took a bottle easily, A doesn't want them.

I told myself that they would be different and that things would be different but I was prepared for how different.

Now I want to share some pictures of my beautiful daughters, and the apple dress is the one I made.

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