Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Goals for 2011

As I mentioned yesterday, today I am going to write about my goals. I have done the whole new years resolution thing before and failed each time! So let me make this clear, this is not a resolution. These are goals...they will for the most part be measurable. I have been thinking about them for several days so here they go.

Physical goal: Lose 75 lbs (this is more than a weight loss goal, this is a goal to lengthen my life, be able to play with my daughters more, to feel better about myself, and of course to look better too.)

Social: Make new friends in our new home town, keep in touch with friends in Clemson/Seneca/Greenville/etc., Skype with my bestfriend at least once a week and let our daughters see each other

Spiritual: Read the entire Bible, have a quiet time at least 4 days a week (I want to do it every day but my first goal will be 4 times), share Christ with with my daughters every day, share Christ with at least one person a month

Financial: Pay off the van, save at least 1 months worth of emergency money

Marital: communicate better with my husband, support my husbands ministry, set up at least 3 hours a week of just Zach/Michelle time!!!!

At home: set up a revolving menu, establish a cleaning schedule that minimizes cleaning time and maximizes Mommy time, cut down on the wasteful time on computer, set up a family game night at least once every two weeks to play games with Carly

This year I want to make myself proud. I want to clarify that statement...it is not about being prideful...it's about being proud of yourself and having no regrets...it's living life to it's fullest! There are more things I want to do but these are my GOALS. I plan to update you at least once a month on my progress.

Are there any goals you have for this coming year! Remember for them to be goals they have to be measurable.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Sorry it's been awhile. We have been super busy around here. We went to visit a church in Texas and now will be moving there in January. To be honest, before we went to Texas I was convinced we were wasting our time by going there. I just knew it wasn't the place for us. What a difference a weekend can make. Bronte is a very small town in Texas. The people of Bronte are some of the nicest I have ever met in my life. Zach and I both felt like we were more welcome there than we had ever been. We prayed about and on January 8th we will become citizens of Bronte, Texas. There is a lot to do before we can pull out.

Please pray for us as we embark on this new journey with our family. We are trying to follow God's path for our life.

On other news, I can't wait for Wed night!!!!! Zach is taking me to a Garth Brooks concert!!!!! Woo Hoo!

Tomorrow come back for my 2011 Goals.