Monday, February 28, 2011

Weight Watchers

So I started weight watchers about 3 weeks ago. I have lost over 5 lbs so far.Weight Watchers is easy to do but still takes effort. Some days I am so lazy and don't put in the effort I need to!

I want to lose weight for not only me but also my children. There's nothing to tell you that you're comletely out of shape like going to the playground with your 3.5 year old! She wants me to run and jump and climb with her and I am about to die trying to keep up with her!

I love both my girls and desire to have a long life (God willing) with them. Being overweight will not help me with a long life. And the life I have may be racked with illnesses related to being overweight. That is not what I desire.

Not only for those reasons but also my body is a temple, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20). If I am not taking care of my body, I am not honoring God.

So, I want to get in shape and to a healthy weight. NOT a stick thin unreal looking person. I don't think that would be honoring God either. I just want to be healthy!

A few weeks ago I bought a WW cookbook. It is the Weight Watchers" PointsPlus Just 5 cookbook. It has 125 recipes with just 5 items. Starting tomorrow, I will be making a meal from the recipes in the book. I have to start tomorrow b/c I need to go grocery shopping today. ;)

I will cook the recipes, eat them and then blog about what they tasted like. I will also try to get my child to eat them and see how that goes. My husband will pick and choose what he will try and I'll post what he thinks to. So come back and see what's cooking and how tastes.

There are a few of these cookbooks on Amazon and eBay, however the price is high on those sites. If you dont attend a weight watchers meeting and would like a cookbook, let me know and I could purchase one for you and ship it to you. I will have to check and see how much that would cost.

Happy Cooking and Happy Weight Loss to Me!

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